Thursday, December 29, 2011

What Do You Call A Pile Of Rocks?

Rock On! Rock on! Rock on!

Quinn made up that Joke while we were hiking in Snow Canyon yesterday.
It was such a perfect day, beautiful, sunny, luke warm/cool. Aaaaahhh!  Can you hear me sighing?

 Aunt Sarah, who was down from Cache Valley visiting for the Holiday came with us.  Which really helped the kids be excited about hiking.

Adi really likes her picture taken "CHEESE" but has a hard time looking at the Camera.
Here is Coulson at our destination, Three Ponds.  More like, 3 puddles, but it was very beautiful.
Adi didn't like hiking through the sand, she wanted to sit and play in it. After some encouragement she made it through the day hiking over 5 miles which is really good for a 3.5 year old.  I have to see the positive in it because sometimes her whining makes me wonder if it is worth it, and yes it is!  She really is tough for what we make her do.

 Ellyn Climbing!

I was at the back of the group, taking care of any stragglers when I noticed this written in the sand.  What a way to make a Mama Smile.


After the Three Ponds hike, we tackled a Cinder Cone, this is a picture of another Cinder Cone taken from the top of the one we hiked.  It is neat to get to the top and look down inside of it.

The 360 degree view from the top is exquisite.
And so is this view

 The kids and Seth hiked down through the middle of the cone and up the other side. This is the zoomed in picture. It sorta looks like they are giants with a miniature road behind them????
 On Monday, Grandma and Grandpa Dale came for a quick visit.  Just long enough for the kids to snuggle them, show them everything they got for Christmas, and PLAY!!

Well, I Guess that's a wrap.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

GREBES and other stuff

On Monday a huge flock of Grebes (small water birds) crash landed in Cedar city.  We didn't think much of it because most of the birds were on the south end of town, and we're on the north end.  Until this morning when I was picking up our neighbor for our carpool to early morning choir.  We found this little girl on the side of their drive-way.  A couple of Ravens were pecking at her thinking she looked tasty.  But we saved her and let her swim around in our bathtub for a while until we took her in to the DWR.  I had noticed some Bald Eagles in our neighbors field yesterday and assumed they were eating bunnies, nope Grebes.  Unfortunately (or fortunately, if your a big bird) the rest fell victim to the Eagles, hawks and ravens.

 It was a bit freakish to have her stare at you with her bright orange eyes!!!

Our Annual Gingerbread house.  Believe it or not...No fighting, only fun and LOUD, HAPPY decorating.

 We were cleaning off the toy shelf and the little critters found a fun play house.

p.s. this is what happens when you take too long to respond to the calls for help.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Tree Hunt

For us, the Christmas tree starts off our Christmas celebration.  We pack up the hot chocolate, gloves hats, sleds (this year we didn't have enough snow for sledding), and Christmas music.  So far we've gone somewhere different every year to get a tree.  This year we went to the  "mountain slide"  And got a tree that was doomed to become rubbish as they clear away all the dirt, rock, and trees to rebuild highway 14, which goes up Cedar Canyon.  Now, I know I don't have a picture of the tree we got, but with all the bustle I just forgot.

the boys pretending the road is falling on them

 Here are a few pictures from our Thanksgiving adventure up in Lehi.  Early in the day we ran a family 5k.  It was one of those perfect mornings and the run was invigorating.  All the kids ran it, and for the most part, happily.


Saturday, November 19, 2011


We have 2 cows.  We use them for food, so, for obvious reasons we don't get attached to them.  The black one with the white on her forehead is named "butterfly"  because her mark looks like a butterfly.  The red cow, "Holy Cow" is her offspring.  They wander around in the field, eat hay and occasionally break down a fence, which usually happens at the most annoying times (And let me tell you, that is an adventure, especially if my husband isn't home...RODEO).  But, I enjoy raising our own beef.  It is safer, and tastes so much better than the grocery store meat.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Ellyn wanted me to put some pictures of our goats on the blog.  I decided that having animals is usually quite an adventure so, I suppose they are blog worthy.

It sounds a little silly but we love these goats!  Jasmine was my parents goats who has come to retire at our house and Juliette just arrived here last week.  We bought her from our neighbors down the road.  She isn't quite old enough to breed yet but she will be in february and we plan to breed her and then milk her.  THAT will be a crazy adventure, but hopefully fun!  They are both really nice and enjoy running around with the kids and eating our plethora of elm leaves.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Family Home Evening

Bowling fun.  Last night we had a really great lesson on being thankful for what you have and how to show your family that you are thankful for them.  They all listened and participated really well, which is saying a lot for VERY active children.  I was in charge of the activity, and they have been asking to go bowling for the last year, since we drive by the bowling alley alot as we go back and forth to town.  So,

SURPRISE!!!  Yes, they were surprised and I suddenly felt very loved.  Why can't I feel that kind of love when I am trying to be a good mom and mold their character through good hard labor???

 Coulson would set his ball up on that thing(don't know what it is called) then back up like a bull, scrape his foot on the ground, like bulls in cartoons, then run and shove the ball.

 Poor Adi didn't want to leave those "cute" bowling shoes behind.  If you look close she is cross-eyed.
We all had a blast and I even won!!  Seth was just behind, followed by Ellyn.  Adi wins the award for being the most excited cheerleader, and Coulson for his creative bowling.  Quinn was trying so hard, those balls are just SO heavy.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

List of things we did for Halloween.  Followed by some of the pictures we took.
  • Halloween carnival at the Elementary school.
  • Halloween costume parade at the school
  • Coulsons preschool halloween party
  • Trunk or Treat with a neighborhood we live by.
  • Trick-or-treating to family and teachers
  • Watched "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken"  which is our annual tradition
  • Turned in most of our candy to the dentist, and he paid us money.  Yea!

 a man in our ward dressed as Lady Gaga!  It was pretty gross!

Our big pumpkin held 4 Jack-o-Lantern faces, one from each kid.