Thursday, January 24, 2013

Free "fee" day....Zion!

Living in Southern Utah makes it easy to take advantage of the free-fee day in the National Parks.  This time we went to Zion.  The first thing Coulson did when we got there was run off, find a dangerous tree hanging out over the water and climb out on it.  The way Seth gets him to stay with us while hiking is by talking to him about the animals around and other geological and botanical facts.

All lined up ready for our first hike of the day.  Don't be fooled the weather looks warm but it was really chilly at first, especially in the shade of the tall straight cliffs.

As I am looking at these pictures I realize my kids are dressed a bit "old-fashioned" "unstylish".  Let me explain we are very frugal and I have never been one to spend money on fancy clothes.  I am more of a "use it up, wear it our, make it do, or do with out," type of person.  If someone gives us hand-me-downs, or we find a bargain at a yard sale I get a lot more excited than if I hear the words, "Let's go Shopping!"  Ugh, I am not a shopper!

 Our first hike was cut short by falling ice. I think my sister-in-law, Jenny, 
will appreciate that the trail was closed from this point on.  Last year on free fee day 
she broke her ankle slipping on the ice.

We saw some deer, but this guy was right next to the trail.  
The deer in Zion are unafraid of the tourists.

 Now for my randomness at the end of each post.
Adilaide in the tub.

Ellyn admiring her curly hair in the mirror.

She wanted me to take her picture wearing the clothes she borrowed from a friend.  She looks so tall and grown up in this picture.  I am grateful everyday for this awesome girl.  Yesterday I was sick, when she got home from school she took over.  She cleaned the house and kept her siblings happy and out of my room.  Today, she woke up sick. Now, I get to return the favor


  1. Thats a bunch of ice.
    There is no 'old -fashioned' about your kids. I think it is great you can use what Kayla out grows...and the boys. :) I'm just wondering why I have the older kids....we don't get many hand-me-downs.

  2. You know, my family grew up on your values, too...... "use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without". I don't even think my girls ever had any new clothing until they were in Jr./Sr. High School but yet they had everything. Garage sales and Di's (D.I.) was my main shopping stores and my girls were never disappointed. Happiness is what you make it and it sounds like you've got it!

    1. Thank you. I think sometimes we see what the world thinks is happiness and we realize, hey I'm still happy with my simple Christ centered family. I don't know why I felt I needed to explain myself, maybe just defining more of who I am.

  3. I was thinking how cute they looked and when you said they looked un-stylish, I thought... yeah, I guess I wouldn't really know the difference! (Or maybe it's cuz I don't really like some of today's styles!)

    That's so sweet of Elly to help out! I'm sorry you were/are both sick. :(

    1. Thank you! I think about you all the time. How exciting being pregnant!!

  4. We love the pictures and all of you!
