Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Masters of Disguise!

Adi got a mustache from the dentist after her check up, and Coulson got this great disguise from a birthday party=tons of dress-up fun!


Thompson and Tomson


This is the first daffodil of spring at our house, and it bloomed ON the FIRST day of spring.
Coulson was really excited about that.

I check on the kids each night before I go to bed, and the other night this is what I found. What a character.
"I wear my sunglasses at night..."  Remember that song?

Hiking out at Three Peaks!  It ended up being more of a bone collection.  They wanted to find the entire bunny skeleton.

When Ellyn brought these eggs in from our chickens I couldn't help but feel bad for the hen who laid the big one. OUCH! Would that be like having a 20lb human baby??


  1. Ohhhhh that egg makes me CRINGE!!! Poor, poor, chicken.

  2. I can definitely see a strong family resemblance!! :) Thanks for the great photos!!!
