Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Horse, and other stuff

After all these years of asking and hoping for a horse our kids decided to make their own.  
This has provide about 3 days worth of fun.  Which I predicted a real horse would 
also do. Okay, maybe a little more than 3 days worth of entertainment for a real
horse, but the fun would wear off and then I would be the one caring for the forgotten animal.
This is the perfect horse.   
Adi and Quinn did get bucked off one afternoon, and Quinn hasn't
ridden it since.  Laugh Out Loud!

We Love Puppies!!!

Ellyn, instructing the other kids in the art of paper mache.

Fathers and Sons at New Castle Reservoir.  
The boys had a blast, their favorite part was when daddy took his
pants off to go out in the lake and untangle one of their fishing lines.
They laughed and laughed when they told that story after arriving home.

I spent my birthday with my birth family at my 
Grandma and Grandpa Iverson's house in Fayette.
It was so great to see family and let the kids play with
relatives at the super fun old-fashioned park, complete with 
Merry-go-round, teeter-totters and swings.
The sign covered shed:  My grandpa collects weird things, old gas cans, 
brass knick-knacks, etc. The collections are great fun for kids to 
look at, Quinn took the picture of his sign collection and 
now thinks it would be fun to start one of his own.


  1. Love the, Ahem, Horse! Somebody is too clever.

  2. Only Adi and Quinn got bucked off? I was thinking more of them would. So what happened to the paper mache? I don't remember seeing any pinatas. :)
    Fun stuff.

  3. How did they get bucked off??? I will need to get more details. I love how clever your family is. :)

  4. Finally...a horse we can ride!!!
