Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

Great weekend!!!

It is warm enough for daffodils and drives through the pinion juniper,
hiking around looking for deer sheds, and having silly family fun.

We took turns with the camera.  Trust me their were some
weird pictures that did not make it on this blog.

Today, we got to go visit Grandma Pete.  Seth's grandma.  She had
been in the hospital for a while and got to go back home yesterday.
She likes "company" so it was fun to sit and visit with her.

The Boys had fun playing with her wooden train.  And Seth helped her find her missing cat.

Ellyn and her "principal's choice" Science fair project. 


  1. Wow...a daffodil. I'd almost forgotten what one looks like. Looks like you had a fun time visiting grandma. Thanks for sharing your bit of Spring!

  2. Fun!! That's cool you got to go visit Grandma! I'm glad Ringer is no longer missing!

    Way to go, Elly, on your science fair project!!

  3. Looks like a fun drive...I need to get out more.
    Like the pic with Grandma. :)
