Friday, April 13, 2012


Happy Easter
Coloring eggs is a messy tradition, but we love it.  I always say that the next year I am going
to boil more eggs because we are always wanting MORE when the eggs run out.  This year
the kids got a bit more creative, adding rubber bands "tie-dye" and then painting some of the eggs
as well as dyeing them.

 This year the Easter bunny hid the
baskets so well that the kids were stumped.
They looked for over half an hour before everyone's was found.  What was that bunny thinking?   There were a few tears shed, some giving up, but persistence
paid off in the end.
  Coulson has really been enjoying the slingshot he found in his basket.
Watch out Windows!

Grandma Pete
What a great life that she lived.  We were able to celebrate her life last weekend.

Her funeral service was held in St. George, where she was living, but her burial was
in Orem, where her husband Darryl was buried.  Her husbands name was Darryl Peterson
and everyone called him "Pete."  That is how grandma came to be known as
"Grandma Pete"

It was an incredibly beautiful day for everyone.

"It is not so important how many valuables you may have, how much property
you may possess, and how many of of the honors of men you may acquire, and all those things that are so desirable in the world.  The thing that God has given to you that is worth more than all the rest is the opportunity to obtain eternal life in the celestial kingdom and have as your companions, thoughout the ages of eternity, sons and daughters, husbands and wives with whom you have associated here on earth."    -George Albert Smith

10 years old!!

It's hard to believe it has been ten years since this little 5lb. 10oz. baby was born to us.
 ELLYN GRACE OHMS!!!  What a beautiful, wonderful blessing.  I am so grateful for this
responsible and kind girl.  She is not only a great daughter, she is an amazing friend.  We have
so much fun together, and really look forward to our one-on-one time together.  I made her promise
me that when she became a teenager, she would still be my friend.  We'll see how that goes.
For now, I have my fingers crossed, and pray she will stay strong.


  1. Ah, memories....coloring eggs with the little ones - a true highlight! Also, I love the donut cake. I've never seen one before - Now, that's my kind of cake.

  2. I loved looking at every single picture you posted. What a great time!! (And I told Elly 'happy birthday' before her birthday, but didn't actually call her on her birthday. So, if she noticed and is worried about it, tell her that I'm planning to bring her a little card next week!)

  3. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures! We enjoy them so much!
