Monday, October 10, 2011

Animal Identification and Pioneers

This morning Ellyn had a great experience.  She took part in a wagon train that was celebrating 150 years of the Dixie Cotton Mission.  Pioneer trek  They went with their school class and even got to dress up like they did back then.  She was shy about going to school dressed like a pioneer, but I think she got into the spirit when her friends were dressed the same way.
The first picture was taken before they got started and the second one was taken just as they were passing in front of our house.

On Saturday our kids were in need of
an adventure so we headed out to
Three Peaks,  a recreation area out by
our house, to join some other kids and the
BLM in a animal scavenger hunt.  Sorry, I
forgot to bring the camera, but everyone
thoroughly enjoyed finding clues and figuring out what animal the clues were leading us to.  Afterwards we spent time hiking around on the "bubble" rocks, and looking for arrowheads.  Coulson, our Mountain goat, was everywhere, literally, Quinn kept up with him, Ellyn stuck with me, and Adi, she took some convincing that she didn't need to be carried, Daddy was her big helper.  How boring life would be if all of our kids had the same personality.

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