Saturday, October 1, 2011

Corn, Potatoes, Pumpkins, and Conference

You'll think we are weird but, we don't have television at our house.  The only time of year that we miss it is during General Conference.  Since we can't watch it,  we listen to it on the radio while we work hard harvesting our garden.  It has become a fun family tradition.  This year we got a good potato crop and grew a big pumpkin that the kids all wanted to take their picture with individually.  From the look of the pictures they are all IN LOVE with the great pumpkin!  


  1. I LOVE the PUMPKIN! But I think that ice cream conference evening is the best tradition. :)

  2. Your garden looks fantastic. I wish we could grow corn in Mackay. - Marsha

  3. Cool traditions! And it looks like a very successful crop again!

  4. Nice tradition, nice crop, nice pumpkin, nice pictures, very nice family!
