Saturday, February 11, 2012


If you look really close in these trees you might be able to spot
a Great Horned Owl.  We have a pair that have decided to nest in a cotton wood tree just
across the road from our house.  I can watch them from my kitchen window
and I love hearing them talk with one another and try to imagine what they
must be saying about me when I walk outside to do the chores and the
Woot, Woot, Wooting gets louder.

This picture is down our road, and it was such a pretty night. Too bad I'm not
a great photographer.  This was so much prettier in real life.

Our cat "ROBOT" was a little jealous that the birds were getting all of the attention
so,  I had to snap a shot of her as well.  She gave me a satisfied smile afterwards.
Cats?? Ya gotta love them, especially her she is a Great Mouser.  At the end of the summer we
started having a mouse problem, they apparently had a productive summer.  One evening
as I went to feed the chickens I got a jumping mouse surprise, as I took the lid off the Chicken Scratch
there they were.  All 14 of them had gotten in the feed can but none of them could get out.  I didn't want to kill them myself and I didn't want to scoop them out either, so I stuck "Robot" in.  She ate every single one.  It was over in less than a half an hour and it was entertaining for the kids(and me).
I don't think she ate for 2 days after that.


  1. Ha, ha - my first thought was they must be "MALE" owls if they are woot, woot, wooting when you step out the door!

  2. Your photos make me miss the country. *sigh*. I can't believe that Robot ate all 14 mice! She should be entered into some sort of eating contest!

  3. That mouse story was both disgusting and fascinating.

    Also, I love the format of the comments on your blog (that you can reply to individual threads). Does this come with the template you are using or is it an option in Blogger?

    1. I can reply to you..... and maybe Bridget will read it too.

      I have to agree with the woot woot wooting comment. :)

      I like your road shot, it looks warm and cool and the same time.

      How come you didn't get any pictures of the "mouse feast"?

  4. My dinner is up to here! (Gulp!)
