Saturday, November 19, 2011


We have 2 cows.  We use them for food, so, for obvious reasons we don't get attached to them.  The black one with the white on her forehead is named "butterfly"  because her mark looks like a butterfly.  The red cow, "Holy Cow" is her offspring.  They wander around in the field, eat hay and occasionally break down a fence, which usually happens at the most annoying times (And let me tell you, that is an adventure, especially if my husband isn't home...RODEO).  But, I enjoy raising our own beef.  It is safer, and tastes so much better than the grocery store meat.


  1. I hear ya..........try raising over a 100 of them at the same time. Kinda glad that part of our life is over and we've moved onto a new chapter.

  2. Funny enough, unlike Mom, I kind of miss it! I think it's great you have cows!

  3. Holy Cow! I love that name. So funny....

    You should eat Holy Cow only on Sundays. Hee, hee...
